Our Volunteer Coordinators and Mentors


Our Volunteer Coordinators and Mentors

Have you met Kurt and Renee Cox? Kurt is our Volunteer Coordinator and Chaplain, and Renee is a volunteer and Chaplain.

About Kurt and Renee Cox

A retired member of the U.S. Coast Guard with a master's degree in divinity from Liberty University, Kurt joined the team as a full-time Chaplain in 2012. He formerly served the community as a volunteer mentor and Summit County Juvenile Corrections Officer. Kurt’s wife, Renee, has served with him for nearly 12 years.

Their work contributes to our mission by providing formerly incarcerated persons a foundation for living as followers of Jesus Christ.

How Mentoring and Volunteer Coordination Works

Once a client has completed their sentence and met legal requirements for release, we serve as advocates and liaisons to help them connect with community members who provide necessary services for reentry.

During the past 20 years, Broken Chains Ministry has served thousands of individuals in cooperation with the Summit County Judicial System, law enforcement, government leaders, churches, foundations, healthcare providers, the City of Green, the Department of Job and Family Services, and countless community partners.

Our Wrap-around Approach

Our wrap-around approach to prison ministry includes mentoring, advocacy, and identity restoration. Having a trusted mentor helps restore a sense of personhood and helps people reconnect with the community in a new way.

A study by Barna Research, Prison Fellowship, and New York University found that most former offenders who are mentored will not commit another crime. Every empty state penitentiary bed saves taxpayers about $26,000 per year.

Kurt and Renee love to witness God’s work in people’s lives and to witness people develop a relationship with God that becomes essential to them and the choices they make.

How to Volunteer

We have a growing need for volunteers of many kinds. To learn more, use the form on our Contact Page.