Tamela Shawhan Featured on Beyond the Pew

Pastor Bruce and Pastor Eric from Maranatha Bible Church sat down with Tamela Shawhan this month to learn more about her calling and the mission of Lydia’s Home.

Tamela shared her story of redemption and how her own experience of faith-centered recovery led to God’s call to serve other women who are recovering from substance abuse and incarceration.

Tamela recalled the story of hearing Debbie Wiseman teach about how to “trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3: 5-6) and how the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. That day in 1999, Tamela accepted Jesus Christ as her savior.

Now, as the Operations Director of Lydia’s Home, Tamela strives to help other women enter into a faith relationship with Jesus that transforms them and makes them new creations in Christ. This is the path to being made new and leaving the past in the past.

Women in recovery at Lydia’s Home experience a complete wrap-around support process, especially within the first three months which is the most crucial time in the recovery process. During this time, the team at Lydia’s Home provides an immersive experience in faith formation, life skills, self-care, and accountability.

“Many women have succeeded in the program and have gone on to have families and careers, and it has been wonderful to watch,” Tamela said. “The road is narrow for people who are serious and want to walk with Christ. We have women that have come to the end of their rope and they are usually the ones that succeed.”

“It’s all about how God works in their lives,” Tamela continued. “It’s not about how hard I work or how hard Dennis works. We’re going to give them everything the first 90 days, from food to transportation, and let God work.”

Tamela also talks about the many ways she ministers to women as a mother figure to “love people into the Kingdom of God.”

Lydia’s Home continues to serve women across Summit County and beyond as they work to restore their lives. We continue to pray for more women to be drawn to the experience of Lydia’s Home.

What does your life look like “Beyond the Pew?” How does your life honor God?

To volunteer, visit www.brokenchainsministry.org/lydias-home.

For more episodes of Beyond the Pew, visit Maranatha Bible Church on YouTube.